From: Barbara Cook
Sent: Wednesday, February 22, 2006 7:17 PM
To: CAG members: Tarnel Abbott; Iris Morris; Whitney Dotson; Gayle McLaughlin; Stephen Linsley; Simms
Thompson; Steve Duran; Dan Schwab; Pablo Munoz; Joe Robinson; Lynn
Nakashima; Ethel Dotson; Wendel Brunner; Shery Padgett; Henry Clark; Arnie
Kasendorf; Eric Blum; Jean Rabovsky; Celeste Crystal; Alice Gathago
Subject: Comments to Current Condition Reports Lots 1 and 2 on theZeneca
Attached are DTSC's comments to the Current Conditions Summary Reports
and Field Sampling and Analysis Plan for Lots 1 and 2. We expect to
get Lot 3's comments out in the next couple of weeks.
As I stated to some of you, site investigation is an iterative process.
So it is DTSC's expectation that at least one more round of sampling
will be required to fill new data gaps which are found after the
implementation of this field sampling event occurs. At this time, we can
not define the number of times sampling will need to take place that is
based on the results that come forward.
If any of you have comments on data gaps that you feel exist in the
site characterization of the Zeneca site, please identify them to us so
that we can discuss them with you and if appropriate attempt to fold the
collection of samples to address that concern in this round of sampling.
I will be out of the Berkeley office attending a number of meetings in
Sacramento over the next week. So please direct your comments to Lynn
Nakashima (
Thank you for your involvement in process.
click here for the PDF report