Photos taken by employee in front of UC-RFS Building 484 on 6/21/05
click for close-up viewOn June 22, 2005, state Department of Health Services (DHS) held a meeting to address worker concerns about health problems at UC Berkeley's Richmond Field Station (RFS). The meeting was in Building 454 of the station, which is located just south of Marina Bay.
Copies of the above photos were given to DHS, EHIB, and EH&S and the other meeting participants. An employee had taken samples of the 'ooze,' and the samples were turned over to Barbara Cook of DTSC.
More than 50 people attended the 6/22 meeting, including Christine Shaff from Capital Projects, two EH&S staff, Scott Shackleton, the asst. dean who oversees RFS, and several reps from HR. In addition, two aides to Assemblymember Loni Hancock were there, as well as Richmond City Councilmember Gayle McLaughlin.
A number of UC officials, including Scott Shackleton, trooped out after the meeting to view the so-called ooze. Shackleton later told staff that it was "goose poop." The following day, at a meeting held at Kray Cabling (one of the nearby businesses), Dr. Wendel Brunner of Contra Costa Public Health said that the ooze was obviously pyrite.