Simeon Properties
2257K Larkspur Landing Circle, Larkspur, CA 94939-1866
PH: 415.461.3700 . FAX; 415.464.9094

July 7, 2004

Caron Parker, Associate Planner
Planning Department
City of Richmond
1401 Marina Way South
Richmond, CA 94804

RE: Proposed Campus Bay Residential Community

Dear Caron:

I am writing to request that processing of the above referenced project be suspended until further notice.

As you are aware, when we submitted our planning application we had anticipated gaining approval within a few months time from the Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) for residential use on the site. It has turned out that the RWQCB's residential risk review and approval process will likely not be complete until near the end of the year.

Planning staff has made it clear that a draft EIR will not be published by the City prior to completion of the RWQCB review process. We have concluded that is not prudent to continue to spend time and money processing the application and completing the draft EIR until the RWQCB's approval is forthcoming.

Thank you for your efforts thus far in keeping the EIR process on schedule. We will keep you informed as to the progress and timing of the RWQCB residential risk review so that as it is being completed, the City and its consultants will be able to gear up quickly and resume the EIR process right away.

Thank you very much.


Susan J. Cronk

cc: Morty Prisament
Barry Cromartie
Jay Corey
Richard Mitchell
Fred Clement
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