June 28, 2004

Susan Cronk, Project Manager
Simeon Properties, North Bay Office
2257K Larkspur Landing Circle
Larkspur, CA 94939

Re: Campus Bay Residential Development project (Project # 1100346)
Dear Ms. Cronk:

This letter serves as a status report on the Campus Bay Residential development project. The original timeframe for the project, with anticipated entitlements secured July 2004, is no longer possible. Planning Department commitment to the original timeline (DEIR publication on April 2004) was predicated on Simeon's anticipation of Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) approval of the proposed residential development in January 2004. Further, the Department has made it clear that securing entitlements would not be possible without clearance from the RWQCB. The RWQCB approval has been delayed, and at this time there is no firm target for their decision. The RWQCB delay has caused other problems with regard to project management:

??? 1. Delays in DRB Study Sessions: Applicant has requested that the DRN Study session be delayed until the RWQCB decision on residential use of the site. Two scheduled Study Sessions have been postponed (the last one for July 14th).

There has been considerable staff time allocated to coordinating with Richmond neighborhood groups and individual members of the public to answers questions about the hearing dates.

2. Coordination with Consultants: ESA is producing the EIR and is subcontracting out to other consultants for traffic and visual analysis. These subcontractors committed to the original project schedule and expected to be able to move on to other projects by June 2004. Planning cannot give them a definitive date as to when their services will be required.

3. Redirection of staff time: In order to commit to the original project schedule, Caron Parker was spending a majority of her time managing the Campus bay project. As a result of the delays, she has been assigned other cases.

Planning is currently reviewing the response to comments on the Notice of Preparation. No other CEQA studies are being done at this time. Fehr and Peer had indicated that they are 4-6 weeks away from producing an administrative draft traffic study. Visual analysis points will be based on scoping comments and also input from Simeon on the public meetings held throughout Richmond.

At this time, Planning is requesting that Simeon give staff one month lead time to start the CEQA and entitlement review process up again. We need this time to 1) call consultants and determine when they can produce review documents and 2) schedule Design Review Board Study Sessions. Thank you for your cooperation.


Barry Cromartie
Planning Director

cc: Russ Pitto, Project Sponsor
Jay Corey
Steve Duran

P.O. BOX 4046, RICHMOND, CA 94804

(510) 620-6706
Fax: (510) 620-6858
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