Regional Water Quality Control Board, San Francisco Bay Region
Final Regional Toxic Hot Spot Cleanup Plan
March 1999

Candidate Toxic Hot Spots (page 24) including
        Stege Marsh
        Reason for Listing – Aquatic Life
        Pollutants present at site:
            As, Cu, Hg, Se, Zn
    Chlordane, dieldrin, ppDDE, dacthal, endosulfan I, endosulfan sulfate
    Dichlorobenzophenone, heptachlor epoxide, hexachlorobenzene
    Mirex, oxadiazon, toxaphene, PCBs

Report references (pages 26 – 28):

  1. ICF Kaiser. 1997. Wetlands Area Sampling Program Zeneca Ag. Products Richmond Facility
  2. SFBRWQCB. 1997. Chemical Analytical Results for a Zeneca Sediment.
  3. Hunt, J., B. Anderson, et al. 1998. Sediment Quality and Biological Effects in San Francisco Bay. For California Water Resources Control Board. Pp. 188+ appendices A-E
  4. URS Consultants, Inc. 1994. CERCLA Site Inspection, Stauffer Chemical Company, Richmond, CA Prepared for US EPA Region IX, San Francisco, CA
  5. ICI Americas Inc. 1987. Assessment of Surface Impoundments at ICI Americas, Richmond, CA for TPCA.
  6. ICI Americas Inc. 1990. Solid Waste Assessment Test Proposal. July 23, 1990
  7. The Mark Group. 1988. Report of Field Investigations Stege Plant. Prepared for ICI Americas, January 22, 1988.
  8. The Mark Group. 1991. Water Quality Solid Waste Assessment Report, Cinder Fill Area, ICI Americas Inc., Richmond, California. Prepared for ICI Americas. July 1, 1991.
  9. May, M. 1995. Tidal Marsh Evolution and Breakwater Construction, Richmond, California. Unpublished.
  10. Pacific Eco-Risk Laboratories. 1998. Initial Data Report for the Phase I: Stage 2 Evaluation of Stege Marsh Sediments, Draft. September 30, 1998.
[see page 20 of]

"It is possible that the quality of the environment could be degraded or biological resources adversely impacted, at least temporarily, if cleanup and mitigation efforts are not carefully planned and executed."
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