[7/4/05 note: this page was created in June of 2004, from the only public document available at the time, the SFBRWQCB 9/2001 Meade Street Operable Unit Cleanup Order, which included what was supposedly a comprehensive list/description of the site toxins.
As it turns out, this list is only a fraction of the known toxins that have been uncovered in the last year.]
Following is a list of known toxins and related measurements from site tests prior to start of Zeneca site cleanup at 1415 South 47th Street, Richmond, CA. Source of list: "Site Cleanup Requirements for Meade Street Operable Unit, Subunit 1, California Regional Water Quality Control Board San Francisco Region, Order No. 01-101, Zeneca Inc. 1415 South 47th Street, Richmond, Contra Costa County", certified as a Self-Monitoring Program, 9/19/2001.
- nitric acid
- phosphate fertilizer
- carbon disulfide
- aluminum sulfate
- titanium trichloride
- herbicides unnamed
- insecticides unnamed
- fungicides unnamed
- carbon for gas masks
- pyrite ore FeS2
- chalcopyrite CuFeS2
- sphalerite ZnS
- magnetite Fe3O4
- arsenic (upland maximum 1,700 ppm; mean 33 ppm)
- arsenic (marsh maximum 771 ppm; mean 186 ppm)
- arsenic (groundwater maximum 45,000 ppm; mean 148 ppb)
- copper (marsh maximum 5,390 ppm; mean 542 ppm)
- copper (groundwater maximum 380,000 ppb; mean 4,164 ppb)
- (upland maximum 18,000 ppm; mean 205 ppm)
- (marsh maximum 818 ppm; 165 ppm)
- mercury (marsh maximum 72.5 ppm; mean 9 ppm)
- mercury (groundwater maximum 8.7 ppb; mean 23 ppb)
- nickel (marsh maximum 115 ppm; mean 51 ppm)
- nickel (groundwater maximum 5,400 ppb; mean 455 ppb)
- selenium (groundwater maximum 880 ppb, mean 15 ppb)
- silver (marsh maximum 26 ppm; mean 1.75 ppm)
- (marsh maximum 6,210 ppm; mean 1,318 ppm)
- (groundwater maximum 280,000 ppb, mean 9,426 ppb)
- volatile organic compounds most unnamed
- semi-volatile organic compounds most unnamed
- benzene (upland maximum 1.7 ppm; mean .28 ppm)
- benzopyrene (upland maximum 6 ppm; mean .9 ppm)
- dichlorobenzene cis-1, 2 (groundwater maximum 880 ppb; mean 76 ppb)
- tetrachloroethene (groundwater maximum 540 ppb; mean 83 ppb)
- tetrachloroethane 1,1,2,2 (groundwater 120 ppb; mean 59 ppb)
- toluene (upland maximum 1,800 ppm; mean 12 ppm)
- trichloroethene (groundwater maximum 4,900 ppb; mean 188 ppb)
- chloride (groundwater maximum 54 ppb; mean 2.7 ppb)
- pesticides many unnamed
- (upland maximum 2,800 ppm; mean 27 ppm)
- (marsh maximum 1.8 ppm; mean .29 ppm)
- (groundwater maximum 63 ppb; mean 2 ppb)
- (upland maximum 2,100 ppm; mean 14 ppm)
- (marsh maximum 0.54 ppm; mean 0.25 ppm)
- (groundwater maximum 19 ppb; mean 0.95 ppb)
- cycloate (groundwater maximum 760 ppb; mean 11 ppb)
- molinate (groundwater maximum 6,300 ppb; mean 78 ppb)
- metamsodium (groundwater maximum 480,000 ppb; mean 8,012 ppb)
- (marsh maximum 0.8 ppm; mean 0.22 ppm)
- toxaphene (upland maximum 230 ppm; mean 31 ppm)
pH levels measure 3.3 in upland soil
Another point of interest:
City of Richmond City Council requested a uranium study but said no environmental impact report was needed for ex-Stauffer Chemical land 12/20/02. Reports of top secret governmental experimentation with uranium at the site have never been adequately resolved.