From: Sherry Padgett
Sent: Saturday, August 20, 2005 10:44 PM
To: Barbara Cook, Chief;;;, RKreutze@dhs. ca. gov;
Underwood, Marilyn (DHS-EHIB);
Subject: Watershed Project continues Marsh work 8/20/05
Berkeley Daily Planet Calendar Entry:
Watershed Project continues to invite adults and children into the marsh (and/or "native plant nursery") in support of the marsh restoration, Saturday, 8/20/05, 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Richmond Seedlings and Weedlings
Join a fun group of volunteers to transplant seedlings in our native plant nursery, and pull a few weedlings to help with the restoration of West Stege Marsh. From 9 a.m. to noon. Pre-registration required; youth under 18 will need a waiver signed by their parent or guardian. Sponsored by the Watershed Project. 665-3645.
Has the California Department of Health Services Environmental Health Investigative Branch or Contra Costa Health Services reviewed the "waiver" for the children? Many of the parents do not speak or read English. How is the risk being presented to parents? Are children with preexisting compromised endocrine, respiratory or immune systems told to rethink scheduling this activity?
There are no signs identifying specific hazards for visitors or employees on the UC Field Station property.
There are no signed fences around the documented hazardous material.
Sherry Padgett
Bay Area Residents for Responsible Development