From: "Sherry Padgett"
Subject: California legislation in progress
Date: Tue, 26 Apr 2005

Some good things are happening in Sacramento through our Assemblywoman Loni Hancock, partly as a direct result of our concerted efforts on the Zeneca/Cherokee-Simeon site. See the reference to the Zeneca site in the attached Fact Sheet.

I spoke today, Tuesday, 4/26/05, with Contra Costa Health Director, Dr. Wendel Brunner, at the California Assembly Committee on Environmental Safety and Toxics for California Assembly Bill 1360. (See attached.) AB1360 will be moving out of Committee to the full California Assembly for consideration/vote. Dr. Brunner's presentation was outstanding. His consistent representation of public health concerns relating to toxic cleanups has made a positive difference for our community.

In addition, another bill is being moved forward to restructure Cal EPA in an effort to avoid this kind of disastrous oversight in the future, AB 597.

    Click on Legislation in the left side bar.  
    Key in bill number 597 or 1360 and hit Enter.

You can print out a PDF file of the bills, or the regular one.

Any verbal or written support from the community to our legislators will be well received and appreciated:

When on the bill's website page, click on "comment" link at top or in middle at bottom of page, or send a separate email to legislator.

Assemblymember Hancock: